Welcome back to the third installment of my 5-part series on grip and pull-up training! Now that we’ve covered grip strength and pull-up techniques in Parts 1 and 2, it’s time to talk about one of the most important aspects of obstacle racing: grip endurance.

What Is Grip Endurance?

Grip endurance is your ability to maintain a strong grip over an extended period, even when your muscles are fatigued. In OCR, this is absolutely critical. You’ll face long rigs, hanging obstacles, and ropes that require sustained grip strength – often after a taxing run or obstacle that has already taken a toll on your body.

The difference between raw grip strength and grip endurance is simple: grip strength is about how much force you can apply in a single effort, while grip endurance is about how long you can hold onto something, often through repeated efforts.

Why Does Grip Endurance Matter in OCR?

In races like the OCR World Championships or even at a Spartan Race, the obstacles are designed to test you physically and mentally. Whether it’s a long rig that has you swinging from bars for several meters, or a rope climb after a mud pit, your grip endurance can make or break your performance. No matter how strong your grip is, if it can’t last through the entire obstacle, you’ll be left hanging (pun intended) and lose valuable time.

This is why building grip endurance is a game-changer in OCR – it helps you maintain your strength even in the later stages of a race, when fatigue sets in. With strong grip endurance, you’re better prepared to overcome challenging obstacles, even when your body is screaming for a break. 

Another point which we won’t talk about in this blog is race pacing. If you pace your running well, you increase the chance of having a strong grip all the way to the finish line – but that’s a chat for another time.

Building Grip Endurance: My Go-To Exercises

There are several key exercises I’ve used to improve my grip endurance, and I’ve incorporated them into my Get A Grip Program. Here are some simple exercises that have helped me and many others:

1. Dead Hangs with Variations

Dead hangs are a staple for building grip endurance. I recommend starting with simple dead hangs, holding onto a bar for as long as you can. Once you’re comfortable, add variations like towel hangs (where you hang from a towel looped over the bar) or single-arm hangs to increase difficulty. Also include scapula pull-ups in these exercises to build better hanging strength.

Pro Tip: Start with 3-4 sets of 30-60 seconds, and as you progress, aim for 90 seconds to 2 minutes per set. Throw in a towel for an added challenge, or work on single-arm (and swing from side-to-side) hangs to simulate rig work.

2. Farmers Carries

This exercise isn’t just about carrying heavy weights. It’s about maintaining grip strength while your body is under stress. Grab two dumbbells or kettlebells and walk (as far as possible) without dropping them. This is one of my favorite exercises to simulate the fatigue that kicks in during an obstacle race, and I often implement these during treadmill runs or between weightlifting exercises.

Pro Tip: Aim for 3-4 sets of 50-100 meters with “heavy” weights, and adjust based on how far you can go without compromising form. You’ll notice huge improvements in your grip endurance after 4-8 few weeks of this.

3. Bouldering

I love bouldering. It’s social, fun and amazing training for your overall grip strength and grip endurance.

Pro Tip: Start easy and don’t go directly to the campus boards. Bouldering should be fun and with this type of training you should always remember to warm up well before climbing on the walls.

My Experience with Grip Endurance

Training grip endurance was a pivotal part of my preparation for the World’s Highest Rope Climb, but especially for the OCR European Championships before COVID-19, and the OCR World Championships by Adventurey. I followed some of the key workouts from the Get A Grip program and honestly, the training was been a game-changer in long, obstacle-heavy races, and I’ve kept that strength ever since.


Grip endurance is a critical skill for obstacle racers. It’s not just about how strong your grip is in a single effort but how long you can maintain it throughout the race. With the right training, you can improve your grip endurance and become more confident when facing longer rigs or challenging obstacles. 

Stay tuned for Part 4, where we’ll be covering how to balance grip training with overall strength and endurance work.

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