by Leon Kofoed | Apr 29, 2019 | OCR
4 days after coming back from Russia I found myself on a flight to Portugal. The days in between were slightly hectic as I was teaching my last classes of the spring semester at CBS, had tons of and OCR Training Denmark work + my left hamstring wasn’t... by Leon Kofoed | Apr 21, 2019 | OCR
A few weeks ago I got a very interesting call. The call was from the president of the Russian Obstacle Sports Federation (ROSF) who had intriguing information about an important step in the develop of federated sports in Russia. ROSF was ready to present an OCR event... by Leon Kofoed | Apr 7, 2019 | OCR
Last summer I travelled to Poland after the OCREC to race the Barbarian Race Arrow event. It’s a proper short course (200-400m) with 8-9 highly technical and grip-intensive obstacles – I was happy to try it and had one hell of a weekend! Now I’ve come back to Poland...